As women we have strapped, sucked, and shimmied into a thousand and one forms of support and this is coming from a 30 something. I haven't even ventured into the world of support socks or back supports, support bars for bath tubs, and stairs, though all of those I could use on a daily basis. We use bath salts to soak our aching muscles; creams, gels and potions to fight gravity and "lift and fill" those wrinkles. Sprays to hide age spots, firming gels, cellulite creams, hair removal lotions and waxes to support us while we age (or try to minimize it). Deodorants perfumes, and body sprays that support our social lives. We use insoles, orthopedics and shoes to help us "walk on a cloud" ; multi-vitamins, juices and oils to help us support a healthy immune system; Flax, brans and multi-grains to support our ...well, lets just use the word "heine" again. Yogurts to help build strong bones and support our digestive system. Protein bars, and shakes to support us in weight loss or weight gain...and I know Im missing a thousand and one other forms of physical support we use to keep our bodies working well. As women and as human beings we all need support.
Maybe I forgot another type of support?
Obviously this is not going to be a post about finding the best support hose out there (but if you have suggestions feel free to share).... its about the wonderful feeling, the calming feeling brought about by support. Not by physical support- because that often involves discomfort, pain and sacrifice. (One word, Corset.) But the emotional support of having what I like to refer to as my "cosmic support system." Those people that were thrown into my life- by chance, NO! By fate, by will, by cosmos....whatever you call it. Those who refer to me as friend, and daughter, mommy and wife, colleague, sister and auntie.
They step in when I need them. When I have third degree steam burns from ironing my quilts all night. (Umm those cool Kurt Cobain calluses have nothing on this girl - Oh Oh Solarcaine supports healing!!) Knowing there is always someone to share the load with. To share your life with. To take over when you are overwhelmed and misguided; questioning your decisions and hearing voices inside of your head.
I have family. I have friends. Likely most of you who are reading this can relate. They help out with childcare, rescue me when I hit a car, when my car won't start, or when I inevitably injure myself and can't walk for days. They are the ones who guide me through my troubles, share in my successes, and support me as I dream, and dream and dream. Sigh, I think I need a tea.
The question I have for today is, how do you thank those people who offer continual, unconditional support? The ones who do it without being asked, without question - those who offer the home cooked meals when you are working until 5. The ones who drive you to the airport so you don't have to sit in an airport shuttle for hours - stop..go...stop...go.
Well, I thank my bras by hand washing and air drying. I thank my control top pantyhose by occasionally taking them out dancing. I thank my arches by never dawning a pair of high heels, unless there is no way around it. But how in the heck can you thank people who want no thanks - who give without parameters, and expect nothing in return? They do those thankless jobs that I are am completely unaware of, they do them because they love me and they don't ever expect recognition.
OOPS forgot my prenatal vitamin this morning sec.
Starting this business both H and I have felt nothing but support. Just yesterday a mutual friend of ours (who has since moved away, Booo) shared our store link with her FB family and friends. It included a thoughtful write-up that made us both feel honoured. We didn't ask, we didn't ever expect, the only reason we knew this had happened was because she linked to our shop. This world I tell you. Full of people who are willing to offer support. Who are willing to be positive forces, helpful, and selfless.
How can we thank you?
How can two words mean enough?
Offer thanks for what is in your life everyday; those things you overlook without intention, and those people who deserve a world of thanks.
I would also like to thank the inventor of spandex. (and not for bicycle shorts)
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